Pyrocumulus cloud from the Oak Fire, Mariposa County, California, on Saturday afternoon. The dark areas near the bottom of the frame are actually black smoke.
I’ve received many messages expressing concern for Claudia and I about the Oak Fire near our home outside of Mariposa. So first, thank you all very much for your concern! Claudia and I are safe (and our four kitties too). We had to evacuate Friday night, and are staying at a friend’s house in town. Shortly after we evacuated the fire came through our neighborhood and property, but we’ve heard that our house is still standing. We also heard that fire crews worked through the night to save homes in our area, including ours, and were apparently successful in doing so, as no homes in our neighborhood have been lost as far as we can tell. We’re not out of the woods yet, but hopeful, and feeling very grateful to the firefighters for all they have done and continue to do. Some people have lost their homes in this fire, and our hearts go out to them. Fortunately no one has been injured so far.
I’d also like to express my appreciation to the volunteers from CCADT (Central California Animal Disaster Team) for taking such good care of our cats, and all the creatures in their care. This is a stressful situation for all the animals that have been abruptly moved from their homes, but most of them seem quite calm once they’ve settled into the routine at the shelter. Our cats certainly like being there a lot more than being in our cars.
The Oak Fire started at around 2:00 p.m. on Friday, and spread rapidly. Claudia and I were hiking in the Yosemite high country that day, and didn’t learn about the fire until we got back into cell range at about 7:00 p.m. We drove home as quickly as we could, but a drive that normally takes about two hours took three due to maddeningly slow traffic (including a rented motor home that wouldn’t use a turnout) and a detour around a portion of Highway 140 that was closed by the fire.
Luckily our house wasn’t in a mandatory evacuation zone yet, otherwise sheriff’s deputies wouldn’t have allowed us into our neighborhood. We started gathering our essential belongings, and preparing to get our cats into carriers and cages and into the cars. At one point we thought we actually had a bit of time, as the fire didn’t seem that close. Then I went outside, and suddenly the fire looked ominously near. I estimated it was about half a mile away. We could hear a dull roar from the flames, even at that distance. We also heard a couple of loud, distant explosions as flames reached propane tanks. This is what the fire looked like (and sounded like) from our house shortly after that (my office/studio is in the foreground):
Moving with more urgency, we loaded everything into our cars, gathered the kitties, and drove away. We only went a couple of miles to a spot that had a good view of the fire, and watched it for awhile. At that point, inexplicably, our neighborhood wasn’t yet under an evacuation order. We realized we had forgotten a few things, so we decided to see whether we could get back to our house. We could, though the fire was clearly even closer. We got in and out quickly.
Soon after we got back to our viewpoint the portion of the fire nearest our house flared up, with huge flames reaching into the sky. Disconcerting, to say the least. But we had done all we could, and could only wait and hope for the best.
Finally, at about 3:00 a.m., the sheriff’s department issued a mandatory evacuation order for our home neighborhood. We were certain the fire had already reached that area by then, but better late than never, and I’m sure the sheriff’s department was overwhelmed by this explosive fire. But no one on our road needed anyone to tell them to get out – it had been plainly obvious since at least midnight. Though one of our neighbors apparently did stay – something I can’t imagine doing after seeing and hearing the fire approach.
The next day one of our other neighbors somehow made his way past the barricades and into our neighborhood, and reported back to us that though the fire had clearly moved through our area, all the homes he could see, including ours, were still standing. He saw a fire truck and crew at our house, working on suppressing hot spots. Needless to say, that was great news.
As I write this the fire has expanded to over 14,000 acres (and climbing), with 0% containment. It’ll probably be awhile before we can return to our home, but we’re fine, and grateful that it looks like we’ll have a home to go back to. We hope firefighters can get some containment on this fire soon, and hope that no more homes will be lost – and that everyone stays safe.
— Michael Frye
Michael and Claudia and cats:
How frightening!
So glad to hear that you are safe, and hoping the best for your home and neighbors. Keep the faith. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
So sorry to hear this. Praying for you and Claudia and the kitties. All will be well soon
Thank you for sharing this story. I am glad you and Claudia are safe and you home was sparred.
Thank God you guys are safe. What a terrible thing to go through. Fantastic dedication on the part of the firefighters.
Appreciate your update as I have been worried. So pleased that things have worked safely for you, Claudia, and the kitties.
Thank goodness for all the first responders who must be exhausted fighting all the area fires. Mariposa is a wonderful cummunity and will find a way to work through this…
Having survived the 4 Mile fire in Colorado in 2010, I understand what you may be going through. I hope that your house remains intact, but at the very least, that you & Claudia (& your kitties) remain safe.
Glad to see you and Claudia are safe. The best of luck to your home.
Glad you and Claudia are okay, Michael. I’ve been thinking about you as I know you live near Mariposa. The smoke from the Oak Fire has created an overcast sky here in our area of Plumas County. Take care!
So glad that at least as of now all seems to be OK with you and your neighbors’ houses. Sounds very stressful. We had a similar situation a few years back but thanks to the remarkable efforts of the fire crews, all was well. Be safe.
Our best wishes to you and Claudia. We hope that your ‘luck’ holds and that indeed you will still have your house. We pray that this will be the case.
Our prayers include you and Claudia. All our best and if you can find the time please keep us updated.
Have been worried for you and Claudia ! So glad you two and 4 cats are safe and sound. Continued prayers for you and the firefighters!
Thank you for sharing in spite of the stress that you must be experiencing, Michael. Will keep you, Claudia, your cats, the firemen and all affected by this fire in my prayers. Take care.
Thanks for the update, Michael. I have been worried about you and Claudia and am glad to learn you are safe. If you need help don’t hesitate to ask. Best regards, Dan Reed
We are so thankful that your home is safe. Such a distressing experience. We know the anxiety as we faced it last month from the Fire near our cabin in Angle Fire New Mexico. Our place was spared as well due to the fire fighters from around the country including CA. They work so hard.
My cousin Saul is one of the firefighters working in your area. He lives in el Portal, and is working day and night to protect this area you are located and Yosemite of course. I told him to take care your house, and he told me he will do the best he can. I told him that you and I will buy him some beer once this crazy staff is over. He replied with a happy face. Take good care Michael. mARTin
Michael and Claudia, thank you for taking the time to let us all know. I’m grateful you and the catimals are safe and will be able to go home. Stay well.
oh my goodness, happy you are safe. hope you and your neighbors homes stay standing.
Thanks for sharing. I did think of you and Claudia as soon as I heard of the fire near Yosemite. Glad you are ok. Best of luck with the house.
Thanks for the update! Knowing you live in Mariposa, we were hoping you would send out a message when you had the time. Coverage for these 2 Yosemite fires have been very limited in SoCal. Very frustrating, but certainly glad your house is standing and you are safe. That is most important.
Thank you for letting us know that you are safe, as many have been concerned for you and your neighbors. So happy that you were able to get there to rescue the kitties, etc. Hopefully this will end soon and you can get back home. Thank goodness for the wonderful fire crew!
Glad you and your family are safe.
Im so glad to hear you both are safe. Prayers for you and your neighbors and of course the firefighters.
So glad to hear that you, Claudia and kitties are safe. What a frightening experience. Best wishes that your home will be spared.
Glad to hear
So good to know that you, Claudia, and kitties are safe. Such a stressful and dangerous time for so many.
Thank you for putting out this post even as you grab your belongings. Grateful you and Claudia are safe. Thinking of you all and everyone going through this right now. Hugs and love.
Thanks for providing your update. Great to hear that you and Claudia are safe.
Holy moly! Glad you and the kitties got out, and glad it seems like there’s good news for you. I spent a night once next to an active wildfire (with a hotshot crew, long story) and it was intense.
Relieved to hear from Bradley Burns that you, Claudia and the cats are safe! Sending big love! Let us know what you need.
Hi Michael, Glad to hear you and Claudia and kittens are safe. This may be a bit a bit forward, but if you, Claudia and the kittens would like a safe haven in Oakhurst till you can go home our home in Cedar Valley is available. My wife and have downsized to a much smaller home in Downtown Oakhurst and we are in the process of converting the Cedar Valley home to an air bnb. It’s clean but a bit messy since we’re still sorting through 20 years of stuff but your family could stay for free if you can deal with friendly owners taking stuff out or working outside. The invitation is there if you need it. Oh, please know that I am a want-ta-be photographer so I might ask for advice. I promise not to be bothersome.
So glad that you are both safe and hopefully the property hasn’t suffered any damage.
Your write up of your torrid time made reading it seem we were there with you. Stay safe
Sue and Adrian
Thank you Michael for sharing this story. Carmen and I are relieved to hear you, Claudia, house and cats are okay!
Glad to hear you are both okay and your house has been saved, hope that there will not be too much smoke damage.
Glad to hear you are both okay and your house has been saved, hope that there will not be too much smoke damage.
Been a few years since we visited but still remember the smell from previous fires.
We’re thinking of you and others as well as the fire-fighters. Stay safe!
So very relieved and happy to hear you, Claudia, and the kittens are all safe. I hope your home is not destroyed, and you were able to grab all your photo backups. We’re praying for you and your neighborhood. Be safe!
Michael, So glad to hear that you and your family are safe and that your house has survived. Praying for you. Be safe!
Michael, Thanks for this post letting us know you and Claudia and your kitties are safe and your house has survived the fire. I hope they get this one under control soon and everyone else is spared.
Thanks for posting, Michael. Hope you get back in soon. Good Luck!
Michael and Claudia, SO glad you’re outta there and safe and that your house is OK. Can’t even imagine the worry during those early morning hours. Sending best wishes and hopes that this monster is soon contained and extinguished!
Thank you for letting us know you are both safe and well, despite the dire circumstances. And thank you for your documentation of the fire’s impact so far. Please let us know how we can support you and Claudia during this challenging time. In the interim, sending appreciation and light for the both of you!
Very happy to hear you all are safe and your house is still standing!
My wife and I and our cat evacuated in our 87 Vanagon camper on 12/30/21 during the Marshall Fire in Louisville, CO. Over a thousand homes were destroyed amile or two north and east of us. We were lucky — our townhome complex and immediate neighborhood was spared. Our personal worst recovery issues centered on smoke mitigation. Here’s hoping you have tight window seals.
Best of luck and best wishes for a speedy recovery!
(ps — Great photo.)
So grateful you and the kitties and your home are all safe. May all in your area be safe and may the fire be contained quickly.
So glad you and Claudia and your neighbors are safe and didn’t lose their homes.
So glad you and Claudia and your neighbors did not lose your homes.
I’m glad to hear that you, Claudia, your kitties and your home are safe. Will keep you and the firefighters in our thoughts.
Thank you for sharing what had to be a disturbing time. Hoping your home would survive is something that I’ve never experience and hopefully never will. Both of you seemed to keep a calmness about your situation. Glad you guys are safe.
That sounds scary. I’m glad to hear that you, Claudia, and the kitties are safe.
Thank you for posting that you’re safe. Definitely thinking about you two and hoping for quick containment.
Hi Michael, I texted Claudia to check on you guys before Bill pointed me to this post. I’m so happy to hear you two and the kitties are safe, and that your home is still standing! What a nightmare—I hope they contain it soon and that nobody gets hurt.
Just saw this on the National News this morning. I pray they will have this under control. I am so glad to hear that you and Claudia are safe! Godspeed.
I was totally surprised when I noticed the fire was near your homestead in Mariposa and your timely email to your supporters declaring your safety. Glad you and Claudia AND the kitties made it out safely -twice!
We are in a canyon in SOCAL and have GO- bags and kitty kennels for our cats- at the ready. We have many fire dangers here in SD.
My question is can you share your electronic strategies as far as backups and grabbing hard drives, etc, on your way out the door in an evacuation situation?
Best of luck for now and moving forward. Hope you get back in asap.
Mac and Diane
I will pray for you and the firefighters that this fire is contained soon – glad that you are safe. God bless you always!
We’ve been thinking of you since the fires began, and we are gratified you and Claudia and your extended family are safe. We are praying for your continued safety. The pictures are amazing … and terrifying.