16×20, unmatted: $400
20×24, unmatted: $600
24×30, unmatted: $900
30×40, unmatted: $1250
Note that the size designates the paper size; most images don’t fit these proportions exactly, so the actual image size will be slightly smaller. Most editions are limited to 150 (including all sizes), but some nighttime images are limited to 75.
To order, select the size from the dropdown menu below, click Add to Cart, and proceed to checkout. Then send us an email with the image number of the print you’re ordering. Orders are usually shipped within two weeks, but may take longer if I’m teaching workshops or traveling.
Thanks so much!
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This is, of course, a digital process, but there is no digital manipulation involved in making these prints. Recent images were captured with a digital camera, while older photographs were recorded on transparency film, then scanned on a high quality drum scanner. Either way the images are brought into Lightroom or Photoshop, where I adjust color, density, and contrast, do some dodging and burning if necessary, and generally make the image look as good as I can without exaggerating the color and without adding or removing objects. I make smaller proof prints until I get the image right, then I make larger prints. I may produce a dozen or more of those small proofs, and will go back and work on an image periodically until I’m satisfied, even if this takes months. I’ve spent years learning the art of digital printing, and have taught many workshops on the process.