by Michael Frye | Aug 16, 2020 | Announcements
The Out of Chicago In Depth online photo conference is coming up soon – next weekend! You can now see the full schedule on their website. There are so many wonderful sessions; here are just a few that caught my eye:
• Visualization-Driven Photography: From Idea to Execution, with Guy Tal and Colleen Miniuk
• How to Make Money Making Photographs, with David duChemin and Corwin Hiebert
• From Your Heart to Art: Unlocking Your Photographic Potential, with Ted Orland and Alan Ross
• Photographing Plants and Flowers in New, Creative Ways: An In-Depth Exploration, with Sarah Marino and Anne Belmont
• Don’t Get the “Blues” Over Blue Skies: How to Be Creative Without Clouds, with Jennifer Renwick and David Kingham
by Michael Frye | Jul 30, 2020 | Announcements
I really enjoyed my experience with the Out of Chicago Live online photography conference in May. With over 800 participants and 60+ instructors, it was a big event, but Chris Smith and his team at Out of Chicago did a great job of organizing it, and everything went smoothly. It was a lot of fun interacting with everyone, and I thoroughly enjoyed getting to watch all the presentations from the other instructors.
Now the Out of Chicago folks are at it again, with a slightly different format, for Out of Chicago: In Depth.
by Michael Frye | May 21, 2020 | Announcements
The Out of Chicago Live online photo conference last month was so much fun. I think everyone who participated relished the opportunity to focus their attention on photography for a few days, rather than on the coronavirus. And the lineup of speakers and presentations was outstanding. I got to see some of the presentations live, but there were many, many others that I missed, so I’ve been catching up by watching the recordings of the sessions.
And you can do that too, even if you didn’t attend the conference as it was happening. Every session was recorded, so you can enroll in the conference after the fact and see them all – over 100 sessions, including presentations, tutorials, panel discussions, and image reviews. You can find more information, including a complete list of every session, here:
Out of Chicago Live
by Michael Frye | Apr 15, 2020 | Announcements
I just got the schedule for the Out of Chicago Live conference, and it looks amazing.
The instructors and topics include all genres of photography, but the lineup of landscape-photography instructors is really outstanding, with people like Alan Ross, Charlotte Gibb, William Neill, Ian Plant, Erin Babnik, David Kingham, Colleen Miniuk, John Barklay, Gavin Hardcastle, Michael Shainblum, Nick Page, Jennifer King, Patricia Davidson, Tim Cooper, Jack Curran, Thomas Heaton, Sean Bagshaw, Joshua Cripps, Matt Payne, Sarah Marino, Royce Bair, Alex Noriega, Jay Patel, Adam Gibbs, Colby Brown, and Alister Benn. Quite a list!
I’ll be giving an expanded version of the presentation I gave for the Out of Yosemite conference in February, called Capturing a Mood. I’ll also be presenting a Lightroom tutorial about using the Range Mask, and participating in a panel discussion called Landscape Composition Secrets of the Pros, along with Charlotte Gibb, Ian Plant, and Adam Gibbs.
by Michael Frye | Feb 17, 2020 | Announcements
Moon rising next to Half Dome, Yosemite
The Out of Yosemite conference was so much fun. Exhausting, but well worth it.
It was an honor to teach alongside John Sexton, Alan Ross, Charlie Cramer, Bill Neill, Charlotte Gibb, Franka Gabler, Alex Noriega, Colleen Miniuk, Matt Payne, Jack Curran, Jennifer King, Harold Davis, Tim Cooper, and Michael Shainblum. All these people are talented photographers and educators, but what made this group extra special to me was the nice mix of older and younger generations, plus the connection with Ansel Adams and Yosemite’s photographic history.
by Michael Frye | Feb 15, 2020 | Announcements
Stars, Orion, and zodiacal light over an eroded gully, Death Valley
I’ve had a full plate for the last month or so, with several workshops, followed by the Out of Yosemite conference. The conference was really fun, and I’ll have more to say about it soon. But first I wanted to let you know that Ian Plant just posted an interview with me on his YouTube channel. I thought Ian had some great questions. We discussed how I began my career as a wildlife photographer, my night photography, whether I have a personal style, and the balancing act between photographing the things you like while finding an audience for those images. And we talked about how I made some of my photographs, like the Death Valley image above. I hope you’ll enjoy the interview; here’s a link.